Sunday, November 24, 2013

Broadway Brawl Ziggler VS Sandow RAW Report 11/18/13

Dolph Ziggler makes his way out 1st for the "Broadway Brawl" VS Damien Sandow. 
This brawl is gonna be fun! 
The bell rings and this brawl is under way. Sandow takes the fight to Dolph and tosses Dolph outside. Damien swings a electric guitar at Dolph but misses and hits the steel steps. Dolph runs up the steps and jumps off them at Damien an lands a "Clothesline". Back in the ring Damien hits Ziggler with a guitar stand. Dolph fights back and hits Damien with a few shots before he nails Sandow with a 'Drop Kick" 
Damien Sandow fell outside the ring. Ziggler climbs up to the top rope but Damien runs up and shoves Ziggler off onto some band equipment. 
That's gotta hurt. Damien beats on Dolph as we go to break.

Back from break Sandow is Vicious beating Ziggler. Damien hits Dolph with a chair. Sandow puts the chair in the corner as Damien comes back at Dolph, Dolph rolls up Damien but Damien kicks out. Damien hits Ziggler with a guitar. Sandow covers Ziggler but he kicks out. Dolph makes a come back with a "DDT" on Damien. 
Dolph hits Damiem with a fiddle followed by a "Fame Asser" Ziggler covers Sandow but Damien kicks out at 2. This Brawl is wild. Sandow gets the upper hand and rams Dolph Ziggler head 1st into the chair that he had set up in the corner. 
Damien runs Dolph into the cello followed up with a guitar shot to the gut. Ziggler kicks out of a pinning attempt by Damien. Damien runs at Dolph and Dolph side steps out of the way and Damien goes into the ring post. Ziggler gets up and grabs a snare drum.
Dolph hits Damien over the head with the snare drum. 

Dolph Ziggler slams the bass drum over Damien Sandows head and follows it up with a Double JJ Jeff Jarrett strut and a guitar shot to knock Damien out cold. 

Ziggler pins Sandow and gets the win! 

That match was a blast. If you have watched it yet you gotta check it out. 

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